What is Missing in a World of Anger
I have been responding to critical events for 38 years and some of those in many different countries. The saddest events of all are the premeditated attacks that have focused on murderous acts that include kids. As a first responder and counselor, my heart breaks for the survivors of these tragic circumstances. There is nothing more difficult in life than having our children fall prey to violent acts of crime let alone sudden unexpected life loss. My heart bleeds and breaks in a desire to comfort those in their darkest hours. I know my faith in God allows me to see beyond the horrific state of mind our society is heading toward. We live in a world that is motivated by anger. Every news channel, every political faction, and every loud demonstrative voice is pointing fingers and shifting blame for actions that are brewing and boiling in their heart. I’ve not seen this kind of reactive hatred in the heart and mouth of people in my lifetime. I just officiated a funeral of an incredible woman who lived outside this world of hate and anger. Here is what she said; “Why are people so angry when there is so much to be thankful for.” I know my mental health is about listing to a voice that will comfort me and guide me. These words are recorded and breathed through the Holy Scriptures. There are two voices that can control our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Whichever voice we listen to will win. The voice of God (the good wolf) or the voice of his adversary (the bad wolf). I am convinced that the mentally ill people of our world are separated from God and are subject to the bad wolf. What’s missing in a world of anger is the voice of God!