In our journey through life, we are always in one of three seasons on the road we travel. We are driving into a storm, driving in a storm, or driving out of a storm. The storms can last for minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even years- it just depends on the circumstances. The common thread to understanding all three seasons is to recognize that we are always surrounded by storms, no matter where we are driving. Throughout GPS, we will navigate these storms of life using tools to assist us on our journey. My heart’s desire is to give you something to feel, something to remember, and something to do. My hope is to provide you with some tools and information that can assist you, your family, your friends, and your associates through the difficult curves, potholes, steep climbs, and soft shoulders on the roads you experience.
The average adult makes thirty-five thousand choices each day. And in times of strife or grief, those decisions are compounded, making each choice even more significant. So what can we do to develop strategies and find the guidance we need to navigate the complex decisions we face each and every day?
Tools for Life is a compilation of 365 short daily stories designed to inspire, encourage, and motivate people in the day-to-day challenges of life. Dr. James Coyle—a counselor, pastor, professor, and first responder—looks to guide individuals into making good decisions by o ering daily tools:
Tools for Life is filled with fun anecdotes, true stories, and testimonies to provide guidance and strategies for coping with everyday encounters—whatever the world may bring. Each day we can rely on its daily resources for insightful guidance, comfort, and care.